General Terms and Conditions of Sales and Services (GTCS)

Cracker's Tech SARL/S provides services related to IT and communication technologies, as detailed on its website, for private and professional customers.

This page contains all the General Terms and Conditions of Sale and Provision of Services (GTCS).

Article 1: Application and enforceability of the GTCS

Unless otherwise stipulated in a specific written agreement between our Company and the Customer, all sales and/or services provided by our Company are subject to these GTCS. These terms and conditions apply, without restriction or reservation, to all products and services offered by Cracker's Tech.

By placing an order and/or signing the quotation, the Customer acknowledges having read and accepted, without reservation, the present GTCS, which apply to the exclusion of any other provision contained in any other document, in particular the Customer's General Purchasing Conditions, unless otherwise expressly agreed in writing by our Company.

Article 2: Definitions

“Customer” refers to any entity ordering equipment, a service or a Provision from our Company.

“Our Company / The Service Provider” refers to the company CRACKERS'S TECH SARL/S carrying out the sale or the Service.

“Service(s)” refers to the service(s) ordered from our Company. et/ou effectuée(s) sur un matériel appartenant au Client, en nos ateliers ou sur Site.

“Site” refers to the Customer's premises où s’exécute la Prestation.

Article 3: Contract language - Applicable law and jurisdiction

These General Terms and Conditions of Sales and Services (GTCS) and the resulting sales and purchase transactions are governed by Luxembourg law.

They are written in French, the language of the contract. (They may also be translated into English, as the site is multilingual. These translations are provided for information purposes only; please contact the management to obtain a translation with legal value. The translation endeavors to respect legal forms, but may contain errors).

All disputes arising out of or in connection with the validity, interpretation, performance, termination, consequences and consequences of these General Terms and Conditions and the sales and purchase transactions arising therefrom shall be submitted to the jurisdiction of the Commercial Court of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.

Article 4: Responsibility of Cracker's Tech for content provided by the customer

For content (texts, documents to be downloaded, images/photos, videos), the Customer is responsible for obtaining any necessary authorizations relating to copyright or related rights.

The information published on the website by the Customer after it has been put online is under the Customer's sole and exclusive responsibility.

The Customer agrees to provide Cracker's Tech and its subsidiaries with data and information that are fair, of high quality and in compliance with current legislation. The Customer agrees to comply with all legal and regulatory requirements in force relating to data processing, data files and individual liberties.

Article 5: Ownership

All intellectual or industrial property rights relating to specific developments carried out for the customer, including trademark rights, literary and artistic property rights, in particular reproduction, representation and adaptation rights, rights to software or computer files, and rights to database content, known as “sui-generis rights”, will become the property of the customer as and when the sums due for the work are paid.

Article 6: Prices and discounts

The current rates for services are available from Cracker's Tech on request. They include VAT and are subject to revision on each anniversary date of the current contract.

The discount rate cannot exceed 90%, all discounts added together. (Loyalty, Recommendation, Budget, other).

Loyalty and referral discounts are renewed (acquired) from one year to the next. Unlike the Budget discount and other discounts, which are reviewed every January 01.

Discount rate applied exclusively on the hourly rate of Cracker's Tech and its partners for the current year applied on the service:

– Contract for website design, SEO and communication . (imputation 40420)10 à 40042099).

– Web hosting and infrastructure services contract . (imputation 4043010 to 4043099).

Article 7: Warranty

Cracker's Tech reserves the right to modify at any time the characteristics of its technical infrastructures and the choice of its technical suppliers.

Given the complexity of global networks, the unequal capacities of the various sub-networks, and the influx of users at certain times, the service provider cannot be held responsible for access speeds from other sites in the world or for external slowdowns. Cracker's Tech may need to interrupt the service in order to maintain its hosting platform. Cracker's Tech cannot be held responsible if the hosting platform is unavailable for reasons of force majeure such as long-term failure of the public electricity distribution network, strikes, riots, wars, storms, earthquakes, failure of the public telecommunications network, loss of Internet connectivity due to the public and private operators on which Cracker's Tech depends.

Article 8: Payments

In payment for its services, Cracker's Tech will receive the amounts and terms of payment set forth in the Special Conditions or in the Order (signature of the quote, contract or purchase order).

Payments are deemed to be made at Cracker's Tech headquarters in Luxembourg or remotely via electronic payment systems.

Payment terms and methods, as well as any down payments, must be explicitly agreed in the contract. In the absence of such agreement, payments are made net, without discount, within 30 days of the invoice date.

More advantageous payment conditions may be applied. These discounts or additional terms are indicated on the quotation and/or invoice in the “Notes / Payment methods” section.

For licenses, rentals and concessions (domains, hosting, servers, etc.) payment is made on the order date, which corresponds to the date of acquisition or rental by the customer.

Penalties for late payment.

Non-compliance with any payment deadline will, at Cracker's Tech's discretion, automatically result in formal notice. In the event of late payment, Cracker's Tech may suspend all current services.
  • by the acceleration of the term of payment, and consequently the immediate payment of any sums still due for any reason whatsoever, and the suspension of all services,
  • or the cancellation of all current contracts, with retention of any advance payments received and any files held by the agency, until such time as compensation has been determined.
Any sum not paid by the due date shown on the invoice shall automatically incur late payment penalties. The rate applied corresponds to the interest rate applied by the European Central Bank to its most recent main refinancing operations, increased by at least 10 percentage points. The rate applied by Cracker's Tech from 01/10/2022 and until the update of the GCS is set at 10% per year, the calculation of late payment interest is calculated as follows: [Invoice incl. VAT x 10% x (Nb days of delay / 365 days)]. VAT is not applicable to penalties.

Flat-rate penalty of €20 for late payment, due for each invoice overdue. VAT is not applicable to penalties.

According to article L. 441-6 of the Luxembourg Commercial Code, penalties are “payable” without the need for a reminder (and therefore without the need for an invoice).

Invoices include a reminder of the General Terms and Conditions: “In accordance with article L. 441-6 of the Luxembourg Commercial Code, an indemnity of €20/invoice is due in the absence of payment the day after the payment date shown on the invoice, as well as late payment penalties at a rate of 10% per annum. VAT is not applicable to penalties.”

Article 8: Termination

Our active services are listed in your secure Cracker's Tech customer area, and the conditions, duration and other particulars are specified in the minimum annual invoice for the service. Our services are automatically renewed, so as not to prejudice the customer by a lack of visibility. A report may be requested by the customer at any time (within reason) by simple e-mail request addressed to Cracker's Tech management via its contact form. Cancellation of the contract must be made by e-mail with acknowledgement of receipt, 40 days before the anniversary date of the contract (as a reminder, the duration of our contracts is 12 working months unless otherwise indicated in the invoicing of the service). Otherwise, the contract will be renewed for a further 12 months.

Furthermore, in the event of a sale or cessation of business, the customer undertakes to inform the transferee of the contracts in progress with Cracker's Tech. Once the buyer has been informed, Cracker's Tech reserves the right to decide whether or not to continue the current contracts and to inform the buyer of this decision, without any “breach of contract” being attributed to Cracker's Tech.

Other contract termination

In the event of a breach by either party of its obligations, and after a period of 15 days from the date of presentation of the formal notice by e-mail or post notifying the said breaches, and in the event of failure to remedy the same, the other party may terminate the present active service (contract) free of charge and by operation of law, without any prior formality and/or legal process, by means of confirmed information sent by e-mail or dated post.

Exceptional cases

In certain specific cases (e.g. financial difficulties encountered by the customer) Cracker's Tech reserves the right to terminate active services for a cancellation fee of €199 excluding VAT.

Force majeure events 

In accordance with article 1218 of the Civil Code, cases of force majeure will suspend the performance of the contract. In the event of force majeure lasting more than three months, the contract will be automatically terminated. The following are expressly considered to be cases of force majeure or fortuitous events, in addition to those usually accepted by the jurisprudence of Luxembourg courts and tribunals:

- Total or partial strikes, internal or external to the company, lock-outs, bad weather, epidemics, blockage of means of transport or supply for any reason whatsoever, earthquakes, fires, storms, floods, water damage, governmental or legal restrictions, legal or regulatory changes to forms of marketing, computer breakdowns, telecommunications blockages, including PTT networks, war or state of siege, and any independent, irresistible and unforeseeable event preventing the normal performance of the contract.

Article 9: Reference to the customer

The Customer authorizes Cracker's Tech to mention the Customer's name or company name, and possibly to illustrate it with the Customer's logo in its commercial documents, as references for the purposes of the commercial promotion of Cracker's Tech. It is also in the Customer's interest to do so by means of a backlink and/or commercial partnership.

Article 10: Confidentiality

Each of the parties to the present contract undertakes, on its own behalf and on behalf of its employees, to treat as confidential, for the duration of the present contract and after its expiry, all documents, systems, software and know-how originating from the other party of which it may have become aware during the performance of the present contract, and not to use them outside the requirements of the present agreement.

This obligation of confidentiality does not apply to information that is in the public domain or whose disclosure has been authorized in writing by the party concerned.

The contract may be terminated ipso jure, without judicial or extrajudicial formalities, if either party fails to comply with the obligations stipulated herein or in the Special Terms and Conditions or the Order, and does not remedy such failure within one month of receipt of formal notice by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt or extrajudicial document, without compensation and without prejudice to any sums remaining due and any damages.

Article 11 : Responsabilités bilatérales

Le client s’engage à maintenir une adresse de correspondance postale valide en tout temps ainsi qu’une adresse électronique de contact (email) fonctionnelle et relevée régulièrement.

Cracker’s Tech effectuera toutes les communications importantes par l’intermédiaire de cette adresse électronique.

Cracker’s Tech s’engage à une disponibilité des services (hors maintenance normale des machines et conditions exceptionnelles, comme tremblement de terre, inondations, incendies, etc).

Cracker’s Tech s’engage à fournir le meilleur service possible au client, mais ne pourra être tenu responsable des problèmes techniques liés au non-respect des engagements de ses fournisseurs, tel que notamment coupure, surcharge de ligne ou panne matérielle.

En cas de dysfonctionnement identifié au niveau de la prestation de Cracker’s Tech, Cracker’s Tech s’engage à travailler étroitement et avec réactivité avec le Client pour résoudre le problème.

Le Client assume la pleine responsabilité de l’utilisation qui est faite des adresses électroniques que Cracker’s Tech met à sa disposition dans le cadre de ce contrat.

Cracker’s Tech ne pourra être tenu responsable de la non-attribution du nom de domaine choisi par le client si ce dernier a demandé à Cracker’s Tech de le prendre en charge et que cela n’ait pas pu être fait.

Cracker’s Tech se réserve le droit de refuser et/ou résilier l’hébergement de pages estimées contraire à la moralité ou à la ligne de conduite recherchée par cette dernière, cela sans justification. D’autre part, si les pages hébergées devaient contenir des indications, propos ou n’importe quel élément contraire à la loi luxembourgoise actuelle ou future, le Client en est seul et unique responsable devant les tribunaux. Par sa signature, il s’engage à rembourser Cracker’s Tech de tous les débours ou autres, sans exclusions, si par la faute des pages hébergées auprès de Cracker’s Tech, Cracker’s Tech devait être reconnu complice des actes illégaux du Client. En effet, le Client s’engage à utiliser son espace Web en conformité avec les lois et les règlements en vigeur au Luxembourg. Il est notamment exclu de publier toute forme ou contenu associé directement ou indirectement :

  • à la pornographie
  • à l’érotisme sous toutes ses formes
  • à la pédophilie
  • à des programmes piratés
  • à un caractère raciste
  • aux formats MP3 et dérivés soumis à un copyright
  • aux jeux de hasard en ligne (casinos électroniques, etc.)
  • aux logiciels peer à peer (Kazaa, eDonkey, etc.)
  • aux logiciels de mass-mailer (Sarbacane…)
  • à des activités illégales

Cracker’s Tech se réserve le droit, à tout moment et sans préavis, de bloquer l’accès à toute page Web qu’il estimerait non conforme aux lois luxembourgoise et internationales, et qui véhiculerait de ce fait des informations illicites.

Cracker’s Tech pourra être contactée directement par les titulaires de droits de propriété intellectuelle au cas où ces droits auraient été enfreints par des services en lignes fournis par le biais de Cracker’s Tech , afin que le document incriminé soit retiré ou son accès bloqué. Cracker’s Tech examinera les réclamations.

Le fait que Cracker’s Tech rende disponible des liens ne constitue aucunement une approbation ni une recommandation de ces sites.

Dans tous les cas, la responsabilité éventuelle de Cracker’s Tech ne pourra entraîner d’indemnités supérieures aux sommes totales versées par le client.

Article 12 : Usages interdits

Il est contraire à la ligne de conduite de Cracker’s Tech que l’utilisateur de l’hébergement effectue ou participe directement ou indirectement à l’une des activités suivantes, par le biais de l’hébergement fourni par Cracker’s Tech :

  • Envoyer des courriers électroniques en masse à des personnes qui n’en ont pas fait la demande (« Junk mail », « Pourriel » ou « Spam »). Ainsi, tout envoi de courrier électronique non sollicité par leurs destinataires est strictement interdit. Une plainte avérée pour spamming de la part d’un destinataire entraînera la résiliation du contrat d’hébergement. Une plainte avérée est constituée quand l’expéditeur du message ne peut fournir la preuve d’inscription volontaire du plaignant. Est également compris le spam réalisé par l’intermédiaire de scripts mal configurés présents sur le site web du client et permettant ainsi l’accès à des fonctionnalités de messagerie depuis l’extérieur.
  • Entreprendre toute autre activité qui viole la loi et menace l’intégrité d’un système informatisé ou viole les règles de conduite généralement acceptées sur Internet.
  • Pénétrer ou tenter de pénétrer de manière non autorisée dans un système informatique.
  • Afficher des propos diffamants ou laissant sous entendre.
  • Se servir de votre espace web comme proxy ou tenter d’accéder à un autre site Internet par tout moyen disponible.
  • Utiliser des ressources mutualisées dans le but d’y placer un jeu en réseau, ou jeu en ligne pouvant dépasser la charge moyenne normale dédiée à un hébergement mutualisé, tout compte enfreignant cette règle se verra fermé définitivement et aucun remboursement ne pourra être demandé.

Article 13: Disputes

In the event of any difficulty or dispute between the parties concerning the interpretation, performance or termination of this agreement, the parties agree to seek an amicable solution in the spirit of this contract. The present contract is subject to Luxembourg law and any dispute or difference which may arise between the parties in connection with the interpretation, performance or termination of the present contract will be subject to the jurisdiction of the competent courts of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.

This document was updated on December 19, 2023.

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